About Me

Hey there!

My name is Haley Ben David and I am a yoga teacher who is passionate about wellness, self-love and mindfulness. After receiving my B.A. in Journalism and Global Studies, I became a teacher and set myself on my personal mission to make the world a better place, one person at a time. Starting with myself.

I have always lived to the beat of my own drum. I am enchanted by what is different, quirky and unique. That independence and curiosity has taken me all over the world, and through many careers and relationships. Including ones that I was not happy in.

A pivotal moment came for me when a long-term relationship ended, and I had to pick up the pieces of myself and figure out who I was without this person. At this point, I had struggled with anxiety and depression for about 10 years, and this was one of my lowest points.

I didn’t know what self-care was. I didn’t have the tools yet to manage my stress. My mental health was suffering as I struggled to figure out my next steps. I set out on the path of yoga and a great therapist.

Yoga became my safe space, where I could quiet my mind with a vigorous practice and get into a meditative state. I developed a deeper sense of self-awareness. I learned how to love myself so much that no one could take that away from me. Yoga opened up a door for me, and it is one of my greatest life pleasures to share that with you.

Let Me Know How I Can Help.

Get in touch today for a free consultation, discuss my services or to learn more about how we can reach your personal goals.